Edward Mordrake eh? What an interesting title/character... JUST LIKE SEASON TWO'S ANNE FRANK EPISODES. GAH! This show just lives to irk me and I love to let it. Okay, Anne Frank is an extremely iconic figure (who probably shouldn't have been touched in the first place), but in the history of "freaks" Mordrake is a well known figure. For anybody who doesn't know, Mordrake is a famous "freak" who appears to be more urban legend that actual fact. According to the story, Mordrake, a young handsome heir to some title or other had a second face on the back of his head. This second head apparently whispered evil things to Mordrake who eventually committed suicide. This "actual historical figure" this just feels a lot like something AHS has already done.
Edward Mordrake
In other news, here are my theories on Twisty.
- He used to work at the Freak show and due to some terrible tragedy he either was shot in the face or tried to commit suicide,
- He is Lange's son and whatever destroyed her legs (my thoughts bombs in Berlin during WWII) destroyed his face.
Anyhow, it's just started raining. What perfect timing! Time to settle down and watch.
- Little Roberts is back! But more importantly DENNIS O'HARE IS BACK!!!!!!!
- Video killed the Freak show. Guess people would rather watch Ed Sullivan.
- Remember last year when O'Hare was doing naughty things to Roberts corpse? Yeahhhh I really do stay by my belief tht next year should have a completely rebooted cast.
- Oh God his little girl is already afraid of clowns, that's like the scariest of them all.
- Is this "Trick or Treat" scene reminding anybody else of Hocus Pocus

- FYI somebody wrote an article about Bates weird accent
- Aw the Doctor is so sweet to the Bearded Lady.
- "I'm not crying because I'm gunna die, I'm crying cuz your the one doctor to treat me with respect." *heart breaks*
- So, no freak performs on Halloween just like in season 1 ghosts could leave the house.
- How did Mordrake get a knife??
- FYI this is a totally different than the Mordrake story I've heard.
- Hey Kathy, I can see your lace front. Sort that out hair and makeup.
- That's a damn good Woody Woodpecker Patti Labelle
- Uh-oh Patti I would not piss Ritchie Ritch off.
- Poor Meep :(
- Aw, Roberts and Peters are real life lovvahhss. Wonder if that will play into this season.
- Oh thank God the "head removal" between Dot and Bette is just a dream. I was worried.
- "I was having the most beautiful dream" what the actual FUCK Dot.
- The fortune telling scene where Roberts "reads her mark" was very interesting
- I love that Elsa is rocking a kimono while smoking opium.
- Angela Bassatt you are EVERYTHING
- I wasn't sure if she was jerking off her boy parts or her husbands.
- "You've got a beard for starters." That's pretty mild for considering you went to 3 titties and a weenie.
- Why is this a plot? I do not car about the strong man and the bearded lady. This is way too long a scene.
- OMG the smallest girl scaring the tallest girl is the most ADORABLE scene I have ever seen.
- Oh God, Ritchie Ritch dressed as a clown is gunna kill LaBelle!!!
- Why do people taunt killers?
- The way "Esmeralda" wouldn't touch lobster boy's hand.
- Oh DAYUM son O'Hare is channeling Russell Edgington.
- Jimmy's rage seems to be the most over the top thing in the world.
- So... I guess O'Hara is a bit of a freak himself? Double dong?
- This poor little girl is so afraid of clowns... but I am sorry that clown HAS to smell bad. You have GOT to smell him before you see him.
- Soooo Dot is a total D-Bag. Good for Sarah Paulson, she gets to go less screaming and hysterical crying this year.
- ....another...fucking...out of time tune. THERE ISNT EVEN AN AUDIENCE. GOD I HATE YOU RYAN MURPHY!!!!!!!!! This actually makes me want to stop watching.
Even Tumblr. agrees
- So even though Esmerelda isn't real, Mordrake comes in all tall dark and handsome with a serious hard on for Elsa? I'm calling it now, Kathy Bates ends up dead after this 2 episode arc. You know what else had a two episode arc? Anne Frank during Asylum.
- Why am I watching the trial of two weird accents?
- Ok so it isn't Kathy Bates... is it Dot? The freak who doesn't want to be?
- Honestly, Ritchie Ritch is scarier than Twisty.
So that's it. I'm so mad at Ryan Murphy I have no more to say.
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